
CyberApocalypse2023 - Didactic Octo Paddles - Writeup

You have been hired by the Intergalactic Ministry of Spies to retrieve a powerful relic that is believed to be hidden within the small paddle shop, by the river. You must hack into the paddle sh...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - soda - Writeup

Soda workflow The first we have to do is decompile the jar file. A great tool for that is Java decompiler jd-gui: jd-gui soda.jar Now that we can see the source code, it’s time to go over it ...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - scanbook - Writeup

Insecure Direct Ticket Reference Scanbook allows us to make notes, post them, and then retrieve them with a unique QR code. Generated QR code works like intended - if we save it and then upl...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - quizbot - Writeup

Quizbot functionality Let’s take a quick look at what quizbot does. When we join the channel, it welcomes us with the following message: So the first important thing quizbot can do is assign a...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - owl - Writeup

How it works Alright, so owl#9960 is a Discord bot and in the challenege description we have a source code for it. Let’s quickly walk trough how it works and how we can get the flag. In order t...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - textual - Writeup

Latex converter As the challenege description says, textual can convert Latex syntax to normal HTML form. That’s great, but how do we get the flag? A quick google tells us there are a few way...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - buckeyenotes - Writeup

Hi! Today we are going to tackle buckeyenotes web challenge from 2022 edition of Buckeye CTF. Since the challenge was rated as begginer, I wanted to take my time and dive a bit deeper into what i...

Buckeye CTF 2022 - pong - Writeup

Playing by the rules? Let’s take a look at the website: The website lets us play a classic game of pong. We can begin the match by pressing P to serve and then move the left paddle up and dow...